Language Arts (381)

Whether you're focusing on comprehension strategies, literary analysis, or honing writing techniques, we provide a diverse array of materials to support your teaching objectives. From engaging literature guides to interactive grammar activities, our resources are designed to spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the power of language.

Draw a line from each bowl to the spoon with its synonym.
Let students explore building words with these letters and worksheets.
Words include be, mean, we, cheap, he, need, cheek, free, see, me, she, wheat, steal, tree
tug - jug - hut but - bug run nun - pun - rut gut - rug - bun cut - gum - nut hum - dug - mug fun - sun sum - hug
Children will LOVE tracing this heart!  You can also use it to help them learn how to spell love.
Practice hearing, identifying, and writing letter j with this worksheet.
Words include lamp, must, soft, frost, past, test, bulk, pond...
This CVC activity includes 8 different CVC words with a spooky theme.
ad - ed - id hid fed Ned pad sad bid wed led mad kid dad rid red bed bad lid tad did
Words ending with -ft, -pt, -lt, and -st, such as fast, slept, last, loft, wilt, bolt...
This engaging activity is perfect for individual practice, small groups, or literacy centers.  Use to reinforce letters and letter sounds for emergent readers. Students will read CVC words and then lift up the flap to reveal a picture of the word.  Pictures are in color and black and white.  Words include: cat, jam, cap, bat, map, ham, cab.
gust - rust - fist wrist - test - rest best - dust - just must - mist - nest pest - vest list - bust
Children imagine and draw their own insect.
This bundle lets children manipulate words and practice the magic of spelling while reinforcing letters and their sounds.
Students can show their creative side by writing down different ways they would improve a basic chair.
Use the letters from "What is summer fun?" to make as many new words as possible.
This worksheet lets students be creative by listing 'real' and 'pretend' uses of a bowl.
Words ending with -mp, -nd, -nt, such as lamp, chimp, stomp, and, kind, mint, band, front, stump...
ack - and - rush rack - tack - back dash - sand - grand band - sack - lash pack - mash - hand sash - stand - shack land- cash - rash
Children practice tracing and drawing the upper- and lowercase letter Ii.