Language Arts (381)

Whether you're focusing on comprehension strategies, literary analysis, or honing writing techniques, we provide a diverse array of materials to support your teaching objectives. From engaging literature guides to interactive grammar activities, our resources are designed to spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the power of language.

After some cutting, you will have your own Word Bingo game!
Words ending with lf, lp, lk, and lt, such as talk, gulp, wilt, help, milk, half, self, pulp, kelp...
Worksheet for learning Short Vowels with Beginning Blends - a, e, i, o, u
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - st, sp, sk, sm
uck - ump - unk - ust hunk - duck - must gust - dunk - puck luck - dump - rust bump - junk - hump buck - suck - dust tuck - trunk - pump lump - jump - trust bunk - sunk - just
Slow down, sit down, stop, stop now, wait here, where are we going, where is your...? we need your, coat, hat, shoes, gloves
wag - tap - tab cap - sap - sag bag - cab - lab nap - rag - map nap - gap - lag tag - dab - jab
Review K and the /k/ sound!
Free printable worksheet for learning digraph words beginning with ch and sh: chop check shape chunk ship shop chick shut short chin she chip
Don't hit - throw. Share please. Not Fair. Say sorry. I don't think so.  Maybe later. Sit still. Pay attention. Are you hurt? 
dog - rig - dug wig - jog - log mug - fig - pig rag - hog - rug nag - tag - sag dig - big - tug wag - bog - bag fog - bug - hug
See if children can sort the upper- and lowercase letter.
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - gl, pl, sl, bl
Uppercase alphabet assessment - I can name these uppercase letters (with check boxes)
Change each letter into something that starts with that letter.
Words ending in -nk and -ng, such as thank, wing, long, bunk, think, bring, sang, hung, honk...
Sign language: I'm sorry, where are your mom and dad?
Free printable worksheet for learning ending blends: _m, _p, _mp
Words that focus on the letters B, M, R, S: bag - red - mop mat - sob - bed set - rib - rod mud - back - mash rat - mix - rest sun - big - sad men - sip - bus box - run - sand
A says a for appleB says b for butterflyC says c for catterpillarDoo wa doo wa doo D says d for dinosaurE sayd e for elephant...