Reading (954)

Welcome to Love to Teach's Reading Resources hub, where educators can find a treasure trove of materials to foster literacy skills in their students. Whether you're focusing on phonics, comprehension, or literary analysis, our curated collection has something for every level and interest. Dive into our comprehensive selection of lesson plans, worksheets, interactive games, and more, designed to ignite a love for reading and cultivate critical thinking.

Song: To the tune of Frere Jacques Flowers are growingAll aroundSo many pretty colorsFill the ground
By second grade, many students are able to read simple chapter books independently. Second graders have begun to enjoy specific authors and genres. They particularly love reading books in series. At this age, students are curious about the world around them, and especially enjoy reading books about students from different cultures. We recommend that each student reads for 20 minutes per night, five nights per week.
by P.D. Eastman - A beloved picture book about a baby bird that falls out of the nest and sets off in search of its mother without any idea what she looks like.
Research shows that reading books aloud is the single most valuable support parents can provide in helping children learn to read.  
Color in the days that you read for 20 minutes at home. Return this calendar to the teacher when the month is finished.
Push a button through the slit in the cardboard, holding the button with thumb and tip of first finger.  See how many you can push through in two minutes.  
I stand very tall(Stand straight, hands reach high)I can be very small(Crouch down to the floor)I can balance, can you see?(stand on one foot...)
Cut and glue strips to make a paper sphere pattern.  Book review is written on the actual strips that make up the sphere
Clothespin matchup, number collage, cotton ball cards, counting fingers...