For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learns can process or produce the language needed to... (see attached)
WIDA Consortium
Level 1: Entering - Repeat words
Level 2: Beginning - Answer simple questions
Level 3: Developing - Repeat sentences
Level 4: Expanding - Make comparisons
Level 5: Bridging - Tell original stories
Books your child should hear before Kindergarten
Use this reading contract from October-March to motivate your students to read.
Also includes choices for projects when finished, including an oral report, summary, computer quiz, or other.
High frequency words for Kindergarten: I, me, said, and, are, play, see, up, go, did, for...
These are the kindergarten sight words your child is expected to know. Any words that are circled are the ones that your trouble had trouble identifying when tested at school.