Math (451)

Whether you're teaching basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or calculus, our comprehensive collection covers a wide range of topics and grade levels. From interactive games and worksheets to lesson plans and hands-on activities, our resources are designed to make math learning enjoyable and meaningful for learners of all abilities.

Skills: adding three one-digit numbers, estimating addition solutions, solving problems with currency, decimals, and fractions
One page worksheet, 14 different shapes to identify.  
Sample test questions: lines, line segments, rays
Math quiz, including roman numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplaction, rounding, ordering, division, word problems.
Math worksheet with 35 addition problems - free PDF
Have children circle the picture using a yellow crayon if it happens in the morning, a red crayon in the afternoon, and blue if it happens in the evening or night.  Then have them circle the clock showing the time that matches the picture logically.  
Have children count the pennies and then write the number of cents; figure out the value of the group of coins and then write the number of cents; write the value of the coin.
Color the pennies red, nickels blue, and dimes green.  
Holly hexagon is my nameWIth six sides all the sameMy six sides are fun to countHow about you try it out:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Plot the following points in the given grid.  
Add all the coins in each box and write the answer.  
Visual thinking: Draw a line from each mouse to its cheese.  Use centimeter cubes to measure.  Record the lengths.  Then answer the questions.  
Sold problems involving all operations with whole numbers, addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  
Single worksheet with 64 math problems, addition, multiplication, division, subtraction
Worksheet for learning numbers "11" and "12" - count each group and practice writing the numbers.  
Find the perimeter of each shape.  
What place is the underlined digit in?  What is the value of the underlined digit?  
Write the time or draw the hands to match.  Printable PDF worksheet for reading and writing time.  Analog and digital.  
Have children fill in the bubble that shows the repeating part of the pattern, choose three colors and color the tiles to show the pattern.  Ask them to explain why it matches.