This cute apple-themed mat activity gives children practice making Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words.  

Published in Language Arts

Includes CVC mats for the following pictures:  sun, cat, bag, dog, ten, bus, and fox.

Published in Language Arts

CVC word family worksheet:

  • rid - lip - pin
  • dig - fig - hip
  • zip - bin - wig
  • big - lid - win
  • bid - kin - fin
  • pig - did - sip
  • hid - tin - kid
  • rig - rip - dip
Published in Language Arts

This packet includes 3 different activities involving the same six CVC words.  Great for small groups, centers, and independent practice.

Published in Language Arts

red - set - wet

men - beg - beg

led - met - Ted

ten - wed - then

Meg - pet - peg

hen - leg - pen

let - net

fed - den

Published in Language Arts

Children practice spelling CVC words with this leaf-themed activity.

Published in Language Arts

Includes large and small a  e  i  o  u cards, 25 word cards, and

Published in Language Arts

Students read the CVC word card and then place it on the matching picture.

Published in Language Arts

This CVC packet has a teeth theme and includes a variety of word sorting activities.

Published in Language Arts

Free printable worksheet for learning CVC words ending in ob, op, ot, og:

sob - hot - cob

log - job - hog

top - lot - cop

lob - rob - jog

pop - not - rot

mop - hop - bog

bop - pot - mob

got - dog - fog

Published in Language Arts

A great way to review CVC words with large group, small group, and independent activities.

Published in Language Arts

This cute CVC word practice activity includes the following:

Published in Language Arts

rut - hot - but

pot - met - gut

net - rat - wet

cat - cut - mat

bet - lot - hut

sat - not - pat

pet-  let - nut

got - dot - bat

Published in Language Arts

These cards have pictures and words that help reinforce the ending /k/ sound in CVC, CVCC, CVVC, and CVCe words.

Published in Language Arts

Use to practice making/reading Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words.  

Published in Language Arts

Fill in the CVC word that matches the pictures.

Published in Language Arts

Practice blending CVC words by letting kids roll the letter cubes to make their own words.

Published in Language Arts

tug - jug - hut

but - bug run

nun - pun - rut

gut - rug - bun

cut - gum - nut

hum - dug - mug

fun - sun

sum - hug

Published in Language Arts

This CVC activity includes 8 different CVC words with a spooky theme.

Published in Language Arts