Review upper- and lower-case letters with this activity by writing the upper-case letter next to its matching lower-case partner.
A great way to review or practice matching upper-case and lower-case letters!
A great way to show children a variety of fonts of each letter, a through z.
Children practice spelling CVC words with this leaf-themed activity.
G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!
Children discern upper- and lowercase letter Aa.
Practice hearing, identifying, and writing letter j with this worksheet.
Children practice tracing and drawing the upper- and lowercase letter Ii.
See if children can sort the upper- and lowercase letter.
Use this small alphabet book to reinforce letters and the sounds they make.
Full-page uppercase and lowercase with accompanying pictures, perfect for displaying around the classroom. Download the entire alphabet or individual letter sets.
Children draw to complete the patterns.